Father Karl A Claver
Father Karl A Claver

Civilize It: Unifying a Divided Church

It is not a conference; it is a COVEN.
Father Karl A Claver

How much weight, Father, do you give to the entire Fatima revelations?

No Christian ever considered abortion as being widespread. The Anglicans with their Lamberth synod around 1915 or so opened the door for abortions.
Father Karl A Claver

BREAKING: Jailed pro-lifer denied essential heart medication following stroke - LifeSite

We are worse than Hitler and the Nazis.
Father Karl A Claver

Attorney General James Sues Anti-Abortion Group and 11 New York Crisis Pregnancy Centers for Promoting …

It is better to call anti-abortion groups PRO LIFE.
Father Karl A Claver

A Marian or a Feminist Church? - The Catholic Thing

Male and female are to be respected because that is the way God made us. We must honor God for His wisdom. We must also be very careful NOT to mix the duties and responsibilities of the two genders. Women acting like me and men acting like women are an abomination which cries to God for vengeance. This has been going on now for over 80 years, and God's patience will soon end.
Father Karl A Claver

German Protestants turn away from Christ towards the veneration of Taylor Swift

A famous editor/writer said that Protestantism and Judaism lead to atheism.
Father Karl A Claver

DePaul University hosts lesbian leader of heretical 'Catholics for Choice' pro-abortion group - LifeSite

Catholics, stay far away from these apostate and heretical universities.
Father Karl A Claver

Mother’s Day 2024: 12 Catholic quotes on the beauty of motherhood

Satan hates life and therefore abhors motherhood. Women who decide not to have children, and are not virgins, are just instruments of the devil for refusing to do God's will. Motherhood is what keeps society going.
Father Karl A Claver


These are liturgical time bombs which Fr. Malachi Martin spoke about many years ago.
Father Karl A Claver

Greece Seeks UNESCO’s Intervention to Prevent Conversion of Chora Monastery into a Mosque

Over five hundred years ago, the Greeks said 'Better the turban than the tiara.' Since they turned down Catholicism then when the Pope offered to defend the Greeks from the Moslems, it is a bit too late to ask for help now.
Father Karl A Claver

Xi Jinping: China will ‘never forget’ NATO bombing its embassy in Serbia

The US is to blame for the power Russia and China now possess.
Father Karl A Claver

Remaining Faithfully Catholic Near the End of the Francis Pontificate

The mess has turned into a cess-pool and a garbage dump.
Father Karl A Claver

Remember Francis’ "Don’t Breed Like Rabbits"? Now He Wants "More Babies"

Liberals are illogical and irrational.
Father Karl A Claver

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus Ordo is suppressed, and the Tridentine Mass reestablished as the official liturgy of the Roman rite.
Father Karl A Claver

Sacred Heart University Set to Host Pro-Abortion Nun as Commencement Speaker

Archbishop Sheen told us 60 years ago to AVOID CATHOLIC universities as the true faith is no longer taught there. One will lose his faith if he attends the school, so stay away from these CINO organizations.
Father Karl A Claver

‘Maybe they’re targeting Christians’: the abbey in Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives, France, desecrated on …

Maybe? The Moslem invaders will do anything and however long it takes to destroy Catholicism.